Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Random Rambling

Jen sent me a link today about a species of frog in Peru that are monogamous, which is a first among amphibians. I posted it on my Facebook page with the caption "Monogamous frog among us. Say that 5 times fast". That got me thinking about when my friend Bill Wrigley and I made up the greatest tongue twister ever. I don't really remember the circumstances surrounding how we thought it up, but it's definitely held up:

See My Enemy, Emily.
The cinnamony sea anemone.

We also came up with a fantastic outline for a fused Marvel and DC universe. That was in the late 90's when Marvel was bankrupt and there was a wild rumor of DC buying them (or vice versa). We really got into the whole idea and came up with some good stuff. Definitely better than that lazy ass Amalgam Universe crap they eventually did. I'm pretty sure we went übernerd and wrote it all down somewhere. In the meantime, head over to The Vault of Buncheness to see actual ridiculous comic submissions that good friend Steve Bunche amassed during his years in the bullpen at Marvel.


  1. I'm sure there's some sketchbook in a milkcrate with my notes on our Marvel/DC fusion. I was always particularly proud of the "The Ruby of Cyttorak is red Kryptonite" bit...

  2. We basically came up with the greatest What If? storyline ever.
